Thursday, July 26, 2007


Sometimes I find it very intriguing, I mean the belief found in some religions that when a human dies, it is only the body which cease to exist but the soul after a certain time takes a new body and new beginning of human life takes the form.

When I get myself indulged in this thinking, I get this feeling of being puzzled by as what could be the real truth about life and death.

However, that belief goes further to claim that a person is born in a decent or indecent environment depending on what kind of life and deeds did he or she commit in earlier life. So if you lived your life doing positive actions for the mankind, hopefully after you die you might be reborn surrounded by unseen positive vibrations to help your eandevours in this world. On the otherhand, if you acted intentionally to cause unhappiness in your neighbors' hearts, then watch out! ill fate awaits you in the next life.

That is how some people believe. Everybody has his or her own belief.

But, suppose you take seriously that belief I have mentioned above, what do you think Bill Gates did in his earlier life that led him to be reborn in this life endowed with all that immense riches? Or if not him, think about Mother Theresa of Calcutta. Where is her soul right now after all that humane actions she did for the mankind? Oh! What about Adolf Hitler? Is his soul joyful?

With love.

1 comment:

Bob said...

Plato, about 500 BCE, speculated about incarnation -- so people have been doing it for a long time. His system is very similar to the Hindu concept. In Plato's system, after being reborn, you forgot where you were before, but basically, you went up or down the scale depending on your behavior in a previous life. To me (like you) the danger of such a system, with its convenient forgetfulness, is that it can and is used to rationalize social injustice.